Ms. Urquhart's Math Page

A Personal Introduction

My name is Molly Urquhart and I am ecstatic to begin this adventure towards becoming a well-established and well-respected teacher. Teaching is an honorable profession that many times is undervalued. I believe teaching is not only a job, but a life choice. There is a powerful leadership role that comes with having young minds an hour a day, five times a week, over the course of a semester or trimester a year. As a teacher, I am responsible for influencing the lives of an enormous amount of students; a responsibility I do not take lightly. The teacher may hold the title, but learning can only come from the students’ motivation and personal choice. The students are in the position to either create knowledge, or to ignore it. The pursuit of knowledge is a personal choice the student must make. 

        My role as a teacher is to facilitate and to create a safe and engaging environment that will produce optimistic views of the learning experience. In order for a classroom to work, a level of efficiency must first be attained. Teaching and learning can only exist when there is a sense of belonging in the students, relationships must be made in order to create a community of learners. To enrich the classroom experience for students, I believe it is also important for a teacher to be an active member of the educational community by continuing to research, learn, and discuss ideas through one’s teaching career. I am fortunate enough to have a group of colleagues and friends, passionate about the profession, to converse with and steal ideas from. The East Kentwood math department provided me with a community of learners to swap stories with, gain advice, and learn from. Teaching is about bringing all you can into the classroom experience to encourage and inspire learning. When we all begin to work together, ideas just naturally flow and a rich learning environment is established.

Teaching Philosophy
